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A recent rally in front of the White House featuring Nazi iconography has been wholly ignored by the same mainstream media outlets pushing the narrative of rising antisemitism. The two DC-based organizations behind the events collaborated with the Biden administration on a similar event last February.
This Veterans Day, on November 11, passersby outside the White House gates were met with the sight of protest signs bearing Nazi-inspired Wolfsangels and protesters performing fascist salutes.
While the rally may have fallen under the radar of the mainstream press – or was deliberately ignored – the US-government owned Voice of America (VOA) provided extensive coverage through their Ukraine branch. One photograph embedded in the story features Ukraine war veteran Roman Kashpur flanked by the White House and performing a fascist salute. Astonishingly, the second shot of the outlet’s video report features a Wolfsangel. Rally goers chanted “bring our heroes home!” and “Make Russia pay!”
VOA interviewed the rally’s organizer, Nadiya Shaporynska, whose talking points sounded as though they could have come from the Ukrainian embassy itself: “Our main message today is a call for the release of prisoners-defenders of Azovstal. We are now asking the United States for help to free them as soon as possible.”
Shaporynska has collaborated directly with the Biden Administration during past initiatives. As revealed in The Grayzone, she and a coterie of activists with longstanding ties to neo-Nazi militias managed to arrange for high-level Biden Administration officials to speak at a rally this past February.
The two DC-based groups which organized the efforts, United Help Ukraine and US Ukrainian Activists, enjoy close ties to the Ukrainian embassy. US Ukrainian Activists is led by Nadiya Shaporynska, who also co-founded United Help Ukraine. The latter is led by Tanya Aldave. In February, The Grayzone reported that Aldave listed her employer as the US Securities and Exchange Commission on LinkedIn — an account which she has since deleted.
Finish reading this article on The Grayzone.
Yes, Dem/libs ae ignorant, but I assure you that Nazis did not allow Jews or Slavs to join them. Nazis mass-murdered Jews and Slavs.